How to Choose a Network Access Control Solution that is Right For Your Network?

The traditional workplace environment is constantly evolving and so is traditional IT security.

With the BYOD policies and more and more mobiles and laptops, computers connecting to workplace networks, it is necessary to have a well-controlled IT infrastructure.

NAC has emerged as an excellent technology that controls the dynamic IT infrastructure.

So, what is NAC?

To put in simple words, NAC discovers, recognizes any type of device that is trying to connect to the network.


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It is rather obvious that a smooth deployment of NAC is necessary in order to work perfectly.

NAC solutions are often expensive to integrate and manage, so it is necessary to know how to determine the NAC solution that is perfect for your IT environment

But before that here are the four primary types of NAC:


NAC solutions cover almost every use case to boost IT environment security. It can be challenging to find the right NAC solution.

Goals of the NAC deployment, weaknesses of you internal security, security management, size of your business and size of your network set up are some of the things that should be considered before choosing the appropriate NAC solution.

So, to start with, these are some points one needs to consider :

  • Security strategy
  • Organization’s Budget for security
  • Integration type
  • Inclusion of supplementary tools

The first thing you should focus on the integration. Seamless integration between the NAC and your system infrastructure is a must. While bringing the NAC online, it should be easily integrated with existing system software and network design.


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So, looking for a NAC solution that fully supports the existing infrastructure is the utmost priority.

Often, NAC solution providers give a set of extra tools with the package, like an anti-virus or firewall. You have to take into consideration what these tools are and are they a good fit for your IT security strategy.

Of course, next comes the price. Mostly price depends on the NAC vendor, sometimes it’s a flat rate sometimes on a contract basis. Price also varies with the package deal. It is quite an investment and hence, you have to consider the IT budget and how this can save you money down the road.

In short, an ideal NAC system (for your infrastructure) would be effective, efficient and enforced to keep the network safe while minimizing end-user disturbances.

Lyra’s NAC solution:

Network Access Control (NAC) is a highly secure and powerful server that provides a secure, quick and updated channel for digital transactions, it receives and transfers any transaction flow securely from any kind of POS terminal and connects it to any type of network with any existing transaction protocol and without any glitch in between.

Lyra’s NAC ensures a seamless payment platform and assures a secure transaction. Lyra enhances the security of transactions using the dual authentication solution to keep sensitive information protected.